Content Marketing Vs. Social Media Marketing: What’s The Difference?

Content Marketing Vs. Social Media Marketing: What’s The Difference?

How is social media marketing different from content marketing? What is the point of difference between these two marketing strategies? And which is the best marketing strategy? If you are still unaware of the core differences between both marketing terminologies, then let’s dive into this and know more. Content marketing is content production and creative…

Managing and Incentivising Channel Partners through Online Platforms

Managing and Incentivising Channel Partners through Online Platforms

Channel partners help sell and market a company’s products and services to the wider market through a distributor and consultancy network. Building and strengthening good ties with channel partners, such as vendors, retailers, consultants, and distributors is essential for enhancing your sales efforts and maximizing your business growth and sales targets. However, not many companies…

Email – An Effective Tool to Build a Meaningful “Connect” With Consumers

Email – An Effective Tool to Build a Meaningful “Connect” With Consumers

With more than 140 billion emails that are sent daily, email marketing is still a core business communication channel. But what can we do to make our company email stand out? The key is to craft a stand-out message. Next, you have to settle on an inbox-tested email marketing strategy that has successfully compelled receivers…

Why My MODE of Business Was Right All Along: A Personal Testimony of Brand Vision

Why My MODE of Business Was Right All Along: A Personal Testimony of Brand Vision

I couldn’t resist creating a title using this spin on words. With a brand named “MODE” do you know how often I have heard phrases like, “In growth MODE” or, “A brand in retail MODE” or even “Now in expansion MODE?” I simply couldn’t resist! Successful entrepreneurs are people who constantly seek to better themselves…