Make Marketing Easy

Master the skills you need to

market your business like a pro

90+ Courses Available with New Courses Being Added Monthly

Over 20,000 entrepreneurs have decided that generating more revenue shouldn’t be hard and have joined the elite Marketing Solved Academy to help them learn the latest techniques and strategies that are working in marketing today.

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What You Get:

  • Over 90 courses available
  • New Courses Added Monthly 
  • 36 workbooks, checklists, slides, and guides are at your fingertips so you are never overwhelmed about what to do next
  • Access per course…or choose the all-inclusive membership
  • Video tutorials you can access at any time
  • Support of an active and successful community to help you accelerate your learning and implementation

Business owners & entrepreneurs just like you are making revenue beyond their dreams, thanks to the work they’ve done with these courses



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The Marketing Solved Academy IS truly the



We are on a mission to help small business owners and entrepreneurs get their time and freedom back by making social media simple. Our companies are committed to teaching the most up-to-date strategies and techniques to help entrepreneurs build their brands, grow their followings, generate unlimited leads, and increase their sales.

So we’ve designed the Marketing Solved Academy to be THE go-to resource for business owners of all levels to create the businesses of their dreams.

Each course is designed to be digestible and highly actionable so you are motivated to do the work and see results quickly.

You also get access to a highly engaged community that is bursting with answers any time you need them.

Marketing doesn’t have to be difficult to work.

It just has to be effective.

Access a single course


Access the entire Marketing Solved Academy Library

Get immediate Access to the Academy

For only $1.23/Day

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If you see a course that interests you, feel free to take it as a stand alone course. Courses start at $97 and go up. But, if you’re keen on expanding everything you know, then jump in on our Course + Membership options!

You can choose between our monthly membership plan or pay our once-per-year membership and save $247 to access all 90 courses plus any courses that we roll out during your year.

New courses are added each month to help you make marketing simple…and profitable.

Instance 1

Choose a single course to help you accelerate your marketing success
For only the cost of the course + $37Then, only $37/month with no contract



  • Over 90 Masterclasses
  • 30+ Downloadable Guides & Resources
  • New Content Monthly
Get access to the entire profit-inducing Marketing Solved Academy Library
Go annual andSAVE $247!



  • Over 90 Masterclasses
  • 30+ Downloadable Guides & Resources
  • New Content Monthly

Here’s what people are saying about Marketing Solved

Christian Doe


Pull out a few key words for a testimonial title

These 3 testimonials are just after you’ve introduced the teacher/ instructor, so they should focus on how great the course teacher is and why they are worth trusting.

Barbara Lane

Art Director

Pull out a few key words for a testimonial title

These 3 testimonials are just after you’ve introduced the teacher/ instructor, so they should focus on how great the course teacher is and why they are worth trusting.

Marie Jones

Marketing Specialist

Pull out a few key words for a testimonial title

These 3 testimonials are just after you’ve introduced the teacher/ instructor, so they should focus on how great the course teacher is and why they are worth trusting.