10 SIMPLE Ways to Grow Your Email List Using Social Media
Are you looking to grow your email list using social media?
There’s a lot of chitter chatter out there about whether or not email marketing still works. I’m sure you’ve seen a few “email marketing is dead” facebook ads…asking you to sign up and opt in for their training. #Isn’tItIronic
The short answer is, it does!
59% of B2B marketers say email is their most effective channel in terms of revenue generation.- Wordstream, 2019
One of the main focuses you should have while marketing your business on social media, is to convert those social media fans INTO email subscribers. (aka – piping hot leads)
We’re practically giving away our best marketing strategies in Marketing Solved Academy….
The 3 main reasons email is and will always be a critical piece to your marketing puzzle is:
1. You own your list. You don’t own social media. IF social media were to shut down tomorrow or start charging for access, would you be able to access your fans or would you lose them foreverrrrr?
2. Social Media doesn’t guarantee all your fans see your content. Those pesky algorithms usually allow 2% of your fans to see your content organically.
On top of that, there’s no guarantee your fans are online when you post your content. Not everyone checks their social media every day or at the exact time you’re posting.
3. Email = Relationships. There’s something special about someone inviting you into their inbox to read your messages. This really helps you further that KLT (Know, Like, Trust Factor)
Now, you’re probably here because you want a few tips on how to use social media to generate more leads and help you grow your email list…
Here’s 10 GENIUS Ways to Grow Your Email List Using Social Media
1. Facebook Cover Photo, Facebook Cover Button, About Section Link, & Posts on Facebook Pages (Ok, that’s 4 in 1)
The idea is that you have offers on all of your real estate. Especially your Facebook page.
2. Host a Giveaway
Give away something that’s valuable for your audience but also that’s relevant to what you sell. This will ensure the people who enter the giveaway, are also going to be interested in your paid offers.
Use a tool like Woobox or Shortstack to execute the giveaway, post it on social media, and make the condition for people to enter, they have to provide their email.
3. Bio Links
Update all of your social media bio’s, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, personal profiles AND business profiles.
Make the link in your bio a link to your email opt in. That way, instead of just driving a click to your website, you can drive the traffic to a specific offer and capitalize on that customer touch point!
You’ll be AMAZED at how many people sign up for your free offers this way.
If you need more ideas on where you can post your links to generate more email subscribers, grab this free guide: 25 Places You’re Missing Leads
4. Optimize Your Website
Ok, I know this is about social media list building BUT if you’re posting content on your social media channels that link back to your website, this is important.
You want to make sure you use social media to share your website link, blog posts and articles. This takes your audience from social to your site and your site BETTER be set up to capture that social media traffic.
You can embed opt ins all over your website.
We like to add one to the end of every blog post, like this one below, to encourage people who have read the article to also grab a free gift and sign up.
5. Social Media Posts
Ok, I know this one SOUNDS like a no brainer but you’d be surprised how many people NEVER share their free offers!
This is going to work best on Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIn.
Instagram doesn’t allow you to link posts. So, your options are to use the Link in Your Bio on Instagram OR if you have 10,000 + followers, you can add it to your Instagram Story and link to the freebie from there.
6. Social Media Share Buttons
This is a GREAT way to leverage social media AND capitalize on your audience!
We use the Wordpress Plugin Social Warfare and it puts these social media share buttons right under the featured image of our blog post. (You can set these up however you want, just showing you our set up)
The beauty to this is
1) It allows anyone reading your article to share to THEIR social media profiles which is great exposure for you.
2) It shows social proof. If 63,000 people have pinned this content, it encourages other readers to pin it as well.
7. Pinterest
Ok, they don’t call me the Princess of Pinterest for nothing.
If you’re not putting your content on Pinterest you are missing a HUGE opportunity.
Both of these posts have been shared OVER 100,000 times on Pinterest. It’s a tremendous source for traffic…and if your website is optimized, you’ll unleash a FLOOD of new leads.
8. Pinned Posts
This is such a simple solution that can have a big result!
If you have a free offer, pin it to the top of your feed on Twitter or Facebook to get more eyes on your offer…and more emails on your lead list.
9. Embeded Posts
See this post from LinkedIn? I grabbed the embed code and pasted it here into this article. Since you’re posting your opt ins and free offers on social media, grab them and reuse them in your blog articles!
These are super effective because they look different but familiar. People can click right back over to your posts and sign up for your free offers.
You can use embedded posts from Facebook & Twitter too!
10. Lead Ads
All of the above strategies are organic…this one is to run a paid, Facebook, LEAD AD. The purpose is to literally generate more leads for you.
I like these to grow an email list because they’re quite affordable, compared to other types of ads, and the entire purpose of them is to capture leads which funnel into your email list.
We ran this lead ad and generated over 4500 leads at about .56 per lead.
If you need leads and you need them fast, definitely recommend Lead Ads.
There you have 10 SIMPLE Ways to Grow Your Email List Using Social Media, many of these simple fixes can be implemented right away and you can start seeing an increase to your email list immediately.
Need more ideas on how to grow your email list? Grab this FREE GUIDE: 25 Places You’re Missing Leads and you’ll see more ideas on how to grow your email list fast!